Frequently asked questions

Can I cancel my order?

Unfortunately orders cannot be cancelled once they have been confirmed. You are welcome to return your order once received as indicated in our Return Policy. For further help please contact us.

Where can I check the status of my order?

Once you made purchase, a link will be provided to you with a track-and-trace number connected to the delivery service. The status of your order can be checked here at any time.

How will my order be packaged?

All our orders are delivered in a branded packaging. Each item is presented in its own case and placed into a plain package with paper fillers to keep it anonymous and protected during the shipping process.

Do the beads scratch?

Since the beads are coated they do not scratch on any surface eg. smartphone.

Are the bags lined?

Our bags are not lined and consist purely of lava beads, nylon wire and metal/magnetic hardware for closing.

Does the handbag require any maintenance?

It is advised to cleanse the bag once a month if used frequently in running water without any addition of soap. Best on a full moon.

Are the beads made from real natural lava stone?

Yes they are. The stones come from the Tengchong area in the Yunnan Province, China. It is an ideal green and energy-saving raw material. As a natural product, it is inherently earth friendly. Lava stones offer many environmentally attributes, including an enduring life-cycle, durability and recyclability. The extraction processes and the re-naturalization of the sites are sustainable. No toxic materials used in the processing, there are no direct greenhouse gas emissions during processing, the dust created is controlled, the water used is almost completely recycled, and it is a perpetual resource - virtually inexhaustible in a human time scale.

What is the coating of the beads made of?

The stones are coated through the process of water plating. It is the process of using electrolysis to deposit metal or alloy - in this case copper - on the surface of the workpiece to form a uniform, dense and good bonding metal layer. It improves wear resistance, electrical conductivity, reflectivity, corrosion resistance and enhances the aesthetics. In addition, the electroplating process is one of the most environmentally friendly ways to conserve or preserve such stones and natural materials. The plating process holds a lifespan of more than 50 years.

Customer care bank holidays

Customer care is not available during the following holidays:

• New Year’s (January 1st)
• Easter Monday (April 18th)
• Labour Day (May 1st)
• Ascension Day (May 26st)
• Whit Monday (June 6th)
• Belgian National Day (July 21st)
• Assumption of Mary (August 15th)
• All Saints' Day (November 1st)
• Armistice Day (November 11th)
• Christmas Day (December 25th)